Reel Mood Wallet Launch

Reel Mood
5 min readOct 1, 2021


Earning while you stream has a whole new meaning.

If you want to get involved in the world of cryptocurrencies, you will need a crypto wallet in order to do so. Reel Mood will be the first wallet to combine live streaming, earning rewards and holding crypto all from the same app.

What is the Reel Mood Wallet?

The Reel Mood wallet is an app that allows users to hold RMD tokens they buy on an exchange, earn from the platform or receive from friends and family.

What will be the incentives for holding RMD tokens in the wallet?

Future releases will allow users to earn interest from holding their tokens. Reel Mood will offer a Proof of Stake POS for all users. POS will offer guaranteed returns and a predictable source of income unlike the proof-of-work system where coins are rewarded through a mathmatetical process with a low probability of paying out.

How does it work?

The standard method for staking are usually holding coins in your wallet or locking them in a smart contract (masternodes).

What is available in this Beta version of the Wallet?

Users will be able to hold their RMD tokens after buying them from an exchange.

They will be able to monitor prices and stats live of some of their favorite tokens and coins.

Buy more than 200+ tokens or coins from our trusted partners at Coinbase, Changelly and Paxful.

When is the wallet available to download?

The Wallet will be available to download October 8th, 2021 on the Google Play Store.

The IOS version of the app will be available October 25th, 2021 in the Apple Store.

Is the Reel Mood Wallet Secure?

Keeping users’ crypto funds safe from hackers is a significant matter for our users and to us. To ensure maximum safety of your coins, you can set up a pin code, 2FA, transaction limits and or multisig confirmation.

  • Your PIN code will protect your coins from intruders.
  • 2FA won’t let hacker access your account from another device.
  • Transaction limits won’t let anyone withdraw all your money at once.
  • Multisig confirmation will send verification messages on your three registered emails to perform a transaction. The funds will be released only after receiving confirmations from all addresses.
  • In addition, a majority of funds are stored in an offline cold wallet, which hackers can’t access.

All these measures stifle hackers and keep your assets safe and secured.

How to enjoy your crypto secure and easily

  • Sign up for the app with your email or mobile phone.
  • Create a PIN code on the app for basic protection.
  • Click the “Add Wallets” button on the app and choose the coin you want.
  • Deposit coins on your address and enjoy your wallet.

We are proud to offer a secure, convenient and accessible method of storing and managing cryptocurrency to everyone. If you have any questions please contact our support team.

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What is a Crypto Wallet?

A crypto wallet is a program or application which is programmed to hold or store the keys that enable you to access your cryptocurrencies. Because cryptocurrencies are fully digital, they don’t actually physically sit in your crypto wallet. What is in your wallet is an encrypted message which contains the location of the cryptocurrency you own on the blockchain. You can use a crypto wallet to send, receive, and spend cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin.

Types of Crypto Wallets

There are a few different types of crypto wallets on the market. Below are the most common types.

Hardware Wallet

A hardware wallet is similar to a flashdrive, and needs to be plugged into your computer to work. This wallet stores your coins offline and is generally considered the safest wallet type as it can’t be hacked, this is what is known as a cold wallet.

Software Wallet

A software wallet can also be called an online wallet, and it refers to an app or online wallet which you only need the internet in order to access. These wallets are slightly less safe than a hardware wallet as they can be hacked, however they are usually more user-friendly, and less likely to be lost.

Exchange Wallet

Whenever you buy cryptocurrency on an exchange such as Coinbase or Binance, the exchange will provide you with a wallet on their platform to store your cryptocurrency. This is the least secure wallet of the three, as exchanges are often subject to hacks, and owners of exchanges have been known to disappear and take user funds with them. Exchange wallets are also known as hot wallets.

How Do You Use A Crypto Wallet?

How you use a crypto wallet will somewhat depend on the type of wallet you decide to have. But the general use of a crypto wallet is the same across the board. If you wish to receive a cryptocurrency, you will reference your wallets public key or public address. You can give this address to a friend, and they can send you cryptocurrency with just that address. It is okay to share this address as it doesn’t allow access to your coins.

If you are sending cryptocurrency to a friend, you will need their public address as well as your private key. This private key is an address which references the location of your cryptocurrency on the blockchain and it is what you will use to log into your chosen wallet. As the title indicates, this address should be kept private, because if someone steals it, they can steal your cryptocurrency. The wallet you have chosen will walk you through the sending process with your friend’s public key, and within a matter of minutes your friend will receive the cryptocurrency you sent!

Navigating the world of cryptocurrency wallets can be difficult, so if you need more information about cryptocurrencies and stablecoins, visit our blog at

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Reel Mood

Reel Mood provides content marketing for brands and creators.